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Breakthrough Guitar
United States
Company Type: Education
Unlocking Your Ability To Express The Music Inside You
Top Purpose: 10 Quality Education

A poet once said, "Most people die with their music still locked up inside them"...

And if you currently play guitar, or it's always been a dream of yours...

I'm willing to bet two things. Chances are:

1) You're not as far along as you hoped by now; and

2) On some small level, you may feel like it's partially your fault

If either of those ring true, then what you're about to discover could change everything for you.

You see, in today's world of information overload, there's more guitar-learning information availalble than ever before...

Yet while we're drowing in a flood of "information", finding real guidance, structure, and the right path forward can feel as hard as trying to find a needle in a hay stack. 

It's not long after starting your guitar playing journey that you can start to feel overwhelmed or confused.

And no matter how much you try, or how much you learn...

You may find yourself getting bored of playing the same old stuff, spinning your wheels when you practice...

And simply feeling "lost" as to how to move forward. 

When frustration sets in, it's easy to feel like the problem is you...

That maybe it's your age, your fingers aren't the right size, you weren't born with natural talent, or that you just don't have enough time. 

But after 23 years of playing and teaching professionally, and after helping over 500,000 guitar players across 6 continents...

I can tell you that none of that is true. 

The problem is that modern guitar education tells you that you MUST learn certain chords, certains scales, and theory concepts such as keys, modes, and the CAGED system in order to progress...

So as a result, guitar players go out there and learn, learn, learn... thinking that if they 'just' keep learning... if they 'just' keep practicing...

Then one day it will all 'come together', and they'll finally be able to play the way they want. 

But in reality, they just wind up with a bunch of "puzzle pieces", with no idea how they all fit together...

Where they continue to struggle for years, months, even decades to make meaningful progress...

All the while, thinking there's something wrong with THEM that's preventing their progress...

Or maybe that they should even quit altogether.  

The problem is, they're climbing up the wrong ladder. 

You can't 'Learn' your way to PLAYING guitar well. 

You see, every human, including you, has being has an innate ability to hear 'sounds' that FEEL good to them...

Like the pleasing sound of the wind in the trees, the trickle of a mountain stream, and all of the songs you like to listen to. 

And by refocusing your ears on the notes that sound good...

By practicing simple finger movements anyone can learn...

And by discovering how to hit all the right notes without thinking...

You can pick up your guitar and express yourself freely, starting right now, today.

You don't have to "wait" until you've learned enough...

You can have fun and communicate in the language of music right now, regardless of where your skills are currently.

And just like a spoken language, Breakthrough Guitar helps you improve your ability to "speak your mind" through your instrument...

So that just like writing, typing, or talking, you can freely express whatever "musical ideas" come to mind...

And you can finally play guitar the way you always wanted.

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  • Jonathan Boyd

    Jonathan Boyd

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Duncan Stanley

Breakthrough Guitar is one of the very best music education communities in the world and an amazing GeniusU/Entrepreneurs Institute success story!