GeniusU Reviews

The GeniusU network is absolutely the ONE place for every entrepreneur to Learn and to Grow. Since I met RGH at EBS in Bali in September 2008 I have followed his valuable and insightful teaching. I recommend GeniusU to everyone.

GeniusU is where precise knowledge can be learnt via the micro degrees to really understand entrepreneurship and also where you can meet tonnes of amazing people who are all on their own journeys.

I have the pleasure of working with Nicola and her team in Costa Rica onboarding her company to the geniusU platform. With this I am able to see and hear first hand the brilliance and expertise she has to help Entrepreneurs grow their business, transform mindsets and skillsets. She teaches and provides so many resources and tools that provide the opportunity to make a bigger impact in your business, life and the world. I highly reccomend working with Nicola to get you to the next level...Take Action!!

A network of experts in any field - you are never more than max. 2 degrees of separation away from who you might need!

GeniusU is a brilliant platform for all social entrepreneurs to connect and share on. Huge value, learning, support and opportunities.

I recently did ILAB at Tau in South Africa, one of the Entrepreneur Resorts. What an amazing experience. The staff are so helpful and friendly, the game drives were superb, the rangers are so connected to the animals and the land and the food was decadent. Highly recommend Entrepreneur Resorts.

GeniusU is an amazing platform for both life long learning and connecting people and building a global community. It's growing massively in both valuable content and members and is improving every week.