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The UK Is Getting a New Paper Straw Factory to Wean the C...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Because no one wants to drink their iced coffee straight from the cup.
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5 Surprising Facts about World’s First Robot Citizen Sophia

Arif Arif Rashid

She has appeared on Tonight's Show with Jimmy Fallon. Her video with Hollywood star Will Smith has received millions of views on YouTube. And she has made more headlines in the newspapers than any sporting event that took place recently. Her...

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Technology isn't Fish and Chips (it's more like salt and ...

Jon   cropped Jon Masters

For my birthday a couple of years ago I ate Michelin star fish and chips! It was at the fabulous 'Man Behind the Curtain' restaurant created by extraordinary chef Michael O'Hare. This dish was one of the winning dishes in the previous year's...

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Cosmos new Age. It's all about the human self-consciousness

39287843 536267350126354 5709279372075073536 n Dorte Joy Juul

transformation of sustainable corporate culture

Consulting & Coaching

Sustainable mindset is from where we create

Self-awareness in strategic thinking in processes. There are two energies in the world we work with, the...

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Cosmos new Age. It's all about the human self-consciousness

39287843 536267350126354 5709279372075073536 n Dorte Joy Juul

How do you awaken the intellectual world and people throughout their lives have learned to solve problems, but never learned how they create them?

People create problems to learn from these learning processes, without the learning of...

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The Millionaire Master Plan

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

J.K. Rowling was a struggling, single mother with nothing to lose when she sat down at her kitchen table and started writing the story of boy wizard. The rest is a magical journey.
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Breast cancer genes - dispelling the myths!

Webp.net resizeimage %281%29 Janey Little

Mainstream media and the annual pink campaigns have led to rising concerns about the breast cancer genes (BRCA 1 and BRCA2) with the result of millions of women around the world asking for the test. This has led to considerable anxiety both for...

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Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and other influential billionaire...

Rsz img 3429 Sherry Grenda

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Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

This is the story of how one daughter made her father question everything. Speaker: Simon T. Bailey
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Cp profile pic headshot with colour background Chandresh Chandresh

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