Julie's Circles 41 circles

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Genius 5.0 Affiliates Circle
In this circle, you will get connected with other affiliates, receive answers and stay up to date with latest updates on everything affiliate related.
Roger Hamilton's Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind
Join the Community Circle here - https://www.geniusu.com/mentor_circles/32 Genius Entrepreneur Mastermind is a one year long programme working with Roger James Hamilton. The Mastermind group has 1,000+ successful entrepreneurs from over 80 countries. It consists of a...
Performance Consultant Inner Circle
The Inner Community Circle for Entrepreneurs Institute Performance Consultants
Microdegree Builder Circle
Are you ready to share your gifts? The world needs your unique gifts and this is your opportunity to give them back to the world and create more magic on this planet. This circle is exclusively for mentors who create their own microdegrees. We will empower you to make it happen!
Think and Grow Rich
This is for all entrepreneurs who have been inspired by Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich. You are invited to attend the historical UK premiere of Think and Grow Rich; The Legacy.
Conscious Business
A conscious business consists of conscious people collaborating with conscious leadership in a process of creating and delivering exceptional value to every person in the supply chain. The staff is the foundation upon which brilliant companies of the future will be built....
Flow Microdegree
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you.
Blaze Genius
Blaze Genius are People Smart. They love people, but get distracted quickly. Icons from Marilyn Monroe to Oprah and Bill Clinton share this genius. This circle is for Blaze Geniuses to connect and communicate.
Creators can’t resist creating. They keep creating long after they have run out of resources, money, and other people’s patience. In fact, they have their greatest creative breakthroughs after most others would have given up. This circle is for Creators to connect and innovate.
Purpose Test
When you take the purpose test, you discover which of the 17 global goals is your No.1 purpose.