On my journey in life I have changed a few times as to what I do. Have you?

This article has arrived as I am listening to a podcast episode with Rob Moore interviewing Dom Joly

I started in the accountancy field as I had an incredible brain for numbers and calculations and could beat someone on a calculator with the right answer at the end - it became a bit of a party piece at the time and could never tell you how I got to the answer as my brain short circuited the process. I became a Master through my hours within the Management Accountancy field 

I moved into the Audit field as I had a joy of investigation and problem solving and then putting things right. Plus it gave me freedom from a desk so I could rove and visit other places. Was I a Master in problem solving - well it certainly taught me a lot about systems and their purpose andhow they need to progress with change. 

Someone once said that my car is attached to my hip and I should have been a 'bloke' no sexism in that statement! :-) I just enjoy driving and the freedom of the immediacy of it and where it can take you and the things you can get to that you otherwise couldn't.

Am I Master driver - not sure and I am certainly a lot better than some.

Now to my true thoughts 

How to calculate your hours of Mastery. 

1. Establish the hours you have worked in a day on the subject.

2. Calculate how many days you have worked on the subject.

3. Multiply the hours by the days and there you have it

Now the longer you have worked on the subject you may want to calculate days into weeks into years as well for ease of calculation

Now Mastery is not repeating the same thing over and over again - it is learning and changing and applying the different thing to your life. Some one once said 'do you have 20 years experience or have you one years experience repeated 20 times?' Not to me I hasten to add and I really listened and took it on board  

What is your Mastery?

I ihave calculated mine and am back to strength with my passion and purpose - Leadership for Business & Life #ConsciousLeadership #CLAVEM and the journey of life is interesting and spectaclar - take it by the horns and ride it (now where did that come from) 

With love xx

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