Have you started your business only to find yourself now stuck in it? It’s too easy to start a business (or get into a job) where it feels like there’s no way out.

You know you need to build a team, but there never seems to be enough time or money to make that happen. You know you shouldn’t be the one having to do everything, but it never seems like the right people or the right resources are around to take over from you.

If you’re in this situation (or want to avoid this situation) – this video is for you.

How to get unstuck <<

I made this video this morning on the beach in Bali, while looking at all the boats stuck on the low tide at sunrise. Even the best boats are of no use if they’re stuck in the mud!
The truth is, there are three excuses that we use that keeps us stuck. When we realise what these are, we can then see that the trap we are in is one that we created ourselves.

I’ve just come back from a week in Necker Island, and every one of the entrepreneurs there (including Richard Branson) have all had to shift their thinking and take these three steps to move from a business that depended on them to a business (or businesses) that could work well without them. That’s how they could take the time out while their busi-nesses continued to run successfully.

It’s time for you to take the same 3 steps!

Take the 3 steps to get unstuck <<

Enjoy the video, and leave a comment on which of these 3 steps you need the most help with!

Keep shining brightly,


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