To have a high performing company, you need a high performing team! But…

…this is the biggest challenge for every start-up entrepreneur. How do you go from one person doing all things to all people doing one thing? How do you manage others to manage themselves?

I made this video to show you the steps to create your own high performing team 

You may be surprised. The steps aren’t what you think they are (which is why most small businesses and solopreneurs struggle so much to build a scalable team)…

The good news is, if you keep to these steps (which means changing the way YOU work) you will have a rhythm to your business which can scale you from 1 person to 100 people and beyond.

These five steps turn your business into a time machine – where you get to turn time into team, giving you your time back: High performing time with a high performing team 

Enjoy the video – and then put it into action today!

Keep shining brightly,



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