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NB Coaching
Pott Shrigley, UK & soon to be in Croatia too!
Helping corporate escapees grow their business by connecting with their WHY & becoming comfortable in their business skin
Top Purpose: 12 Life Below Water

 🐟 You started your business because you had confidence in your ability to offer a fantastic service  or product.


🐟 You’re great at what you do, you offer huge value to your clients. But you still have that niggling feeling that you aren’t being totally you, you aren’t using your unique set of skills and talents to their full 


🐟 You see other businesses on social media who look as though they have it all sorted and think, “Oh no, I should be doing that but I don’t know how or even if I really want to!”  If this sounds like you then NB Coaching can help


🐟 I am often asked what the NB in the company name stands for, this comes from my passion for diving and the underwater world.


🐟 NB stands for Neutral Buoyancy? – divers aim to be neutrally buoyant when diving, a state of balance where you are floating in mid water, neither bobbing to the surface or sinking down, it should be the most relaxed state, using the least energy and air and one in which to enjoy the dive to its full.


🐟 The principles and essence of Neutral Buoyancy are now at the heart of the coaching practice too.  


🐟 If you would like to discuss how you can be more Neutrally Buoyant in your business please send me a message today.  

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Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be? We can become so influenced by the opinions of others that we may lose sight of what we really want from our life & business. Many of our skills, qualities and values become underutilised or even compromised. Whether it’s how you show up online, at networking events, during sales conversations or how you structure our business we need to be true to ourselves, leveraging our unique talents, skills and passions.
World class Certifications and Microschools for entrepreneurs at every level.


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    Corporate Escapees

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