1. If you do not GO after what you want, you’ll never have it.
Some people think that things happen by themselves, by magic. If you want something you must make an effort to go after it or it will forever be out of your reach.

2. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.
Don’t be afraid to ask. Ask for help, ask for an answer, ask for whatever you want but just ASK. What is the worse thing that can happen? The person will say NO. If you don’t ask, it is also NO so you have nothing to lose by asking!

3. If you do not step FORWARD, you will always be in the same place.
If you don’t take that first step, you will always stay in the same place or situation. If you want to improve your life situation the only way is to move forward, move ahead. If it is a bad situation that you are in then you must take that first step forward away from it, leaving it behind in your past. . .


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