“Building a World that Breaths Happy” - Roberto Suarez


Better known as the Happy Coach, Roberto Suarez is a long time breathwork professional, whose business before the crisis was thriving. Even if he was not fully thriving on the inside. Focused on building a world that breathes happy, his goal is to have a million Cubans breathing by 2025. Inspired by his World Game “better health and well-being”. 


But that’s only half the story, while also balancing his work in Cuba, Roberto has worked with several high profile clients and businesses in the US. Though as of late, he found his focus shifting away from one on one coaching. Ready for a new challenge, the crisis pushed it to be earlier than planned. 


A Shift in Thinking


Roberto’s journey with Genius Group began over ten years ago at one of Roger’s events in South Florida. His first exposure to the idea that one day his coaching business would need to move online for it to thrive. This idea only became a seed, too early for it to grow. Roberto instead ended up going in a completely different direction. Exploring yoga, tai chi, and ayahuasca. All things he found happiness in and where he observed his ego step aside. However, cash flow was limited in what he was doing, and it became a challenge.  


Roberto was doing all the things he loved but he couldn’t meet all his financial commitments. His family was not happy. Two worlds struggling to blend with no balance. His solution came in the form of the idea that the Breath could be the Medicine. 


Traveling to New Places with the Breath


In 2019, Roberto took two critical actions. First, he spent 21-days in the desert and discovered the true possibilities of the breath. Resulting in a referral to coach a professional basketball player. The other, he joined Roger’s 10x your income program and began to see incredible results in expanding his business. Besides the professional athlete, he began working with yoga studios and participating in breathing ceremonies and festivals. He was sharing his skills, creating relationships, and being paid for his services. He was in flow.   


But then the pandemic began and suddenly his basketball player wasn’t playing anymore, the yoga studios shut down and the events canceled. His business was gone overnight. In response, Roberto did the opposite of what he’d done before. He took a step back and began breathing more every day. Roberto knew he needed to open up and let go of his resistance to what was happening to his business and life. And it was in this headspace, he came across the Crisis Leadership Academy. It was time to take his coaching online. Roberto has come full circle. He committed to the course, ready to open up to what Genius U could offer.


A New Way of Doing Business


The CLA showed Roberto that to create the business he wanted it wasn’t about letting go of the perceived outcome, but rather about partnering up with the right team. One that could do the deals, and make the connections, leaving him open to do the work he did best. It also pushed him to question his new business, who was his ideal client now? What did they need in this COVID changed world? 


Facilitator Rory Callaghan also invited him to seek new partnerships, which is where the biggest change happened for Roberto. By connecting with a past client, and being introduced to their team of real estate professionals a whole community of potential customers opened up. 

These were people who needed what Roberto provided. He did not have to build up a community. He could support them to calm their minds and increase sales by learning how to breathe consciously. 


In addition, Roberto identified a need to deliver his coaching program to multiple ideal clients. He decided an online course using the GeniusU Microdegree functionality was a way he could help real estate professionals, as well as other entrepreneurs. A final lesson for Roberto was realizing he’d spent so much of his life prioritizing to solve his problems, instead of his potential clients’ problems. He got this clearly in the CLA. And to create peace in the world, we need to create peace within ourselves first. 


Challenges faced

  • Losing High Paying Clients
  • No clarity of ideal client
  • Lacking team members for scaling out


Solutions found

  • Access to the GeniusU community enabling him to listen and learn
  • Creation of a promotion plan to create and scale-out products to new ideal client 


Results produced

  • 4 new coaching clients
  • Made connection with a community of ideal client base
  • Created new coaching products on Genius U for sale

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