In 2015, I wrote a book on marketing and the Law of Attraction. At the time, I felt that having watched The Secret a number of times and obtaining a (somewhat questionable) $10 Law of Attraction Certification online qualified me to do so.

In itself, the Law of Attraction is simple: As humans, we vibrate at a certain frequency and we attract objects, situations, people, and opportunities that vibrate at that very same level.

At the time, I used Emoto’s tuning-fork research to demonstrate the Law of Attraction in action:

A common way to demonstrate the Law of Attraction is through the example of the tuning fork first used by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the New York Times best-seller,The Hidden Messages of Water. 

Emoto works with three tuning forks. Forks 1 and 2 are designed to vibrate 440 times per second, while Fork 3 vibrates 442 times per second. When he hits Fork 1 with a rubber hammer, Fork 2 immediately vibrates and gives off a sound because it resonates with with Fork 1. However, Fork 3 remains silent. This shows that energies vibrating at the same frequency somehow find each other.

Simple, right? With the hype generated by The Secret and enough evidence in my own life to see this play out, I bought into the narrative of it despite not understand the workings of it. 

But, being 32% Steel energy, believing in the unknown is a big ask so I wasn’t 100% committed to the task. Because I wasn’t fully practicing what I was preaching, it felt inauthentic so I put the book aside.

Fast forward to 2020…

While watching a documentary on heart-brain coherence over the weekend, I was intrigued.

It’s always been believed that the brain is the control centre of the body, but according to research, this isn’t entirely true. Over the last 30 years, science has proven that the heart is in a constant two-way dialogue with the brain and that the heart, in fact, sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. 

With this groundbreaking research into the brain and how humans become super-humans, I connected the dot I had previously found missing. 

Heart-brain coherence: What’s love got to do with it?

In 1991, Dr J. Andrew Armour discovered a set of brain-like cells in the heart. These 40 000 specialised cells, called sensory neurites, form an intrinsic nervous system of its own very much like the brain, but independent from the brain. Because of its ability to think, feel, and learn for itself, it has been called “The little brain in the heart.

Here’s the crux of it. We can choose to think with our brains and our hearts as independent entities or we can train our brains and our hearts to work in coherence.

  1. We can choose to think with either our brains or our hearts as independent entities:
  2. When we think with our brains, our thinking may be clouded by our logic, judgements, fears, prejudices, failures, disappointments, and stories of our pasts, many which are negative and have been hidden in our subconscious minds. The brain creates the corresponding responses in the body.
    When we think with our hearts, the heart sends information to the brain that either stresses the body, drains our energy, and blocks our ability to think clearly, or it sends information that creates health, vitality, clarity and well-being. The brain then creates the corresponding responses in the body.

    We can train our brains and our hearts to work in coherence:
    • With heart-brain coherence—which means the brain and the heart are in harmony—we ignite our super-abilities to access intuition on demand; reprogramme our subconscious minds; exponentially increase our abilities to learn, remember, and process information; and heal our bodies naturally.

Achieving heart-mind coherence is simpler than you may think: According to numerous studies, the body interprets heart-brain coherence as love. When we perceive the world from a perspective of love, we reprogramme our minds and our bodies for natural health, vitality, clarity and general well-being.

Emotions: the link between heart-brain coherence and the Law of Attraction

According to the Law of Attraction, we attract whatever frequency we’re vibrating at. 

Suppose some of the tuning forks in Emoto’s research were vibrating at a frequency of 250 hertz and some were vibrating at 450 hertz.

If he were to hit the 250 hertz fork with a hammer, only the forks with the same frequency would vibrate and give off a sound. If he were to hit the 450 hertz fork with a hammer, only the other 450 hertz forks would respond.

Now imagine each frequency was an emotion. 

The idea that our emotions can be linked to frequencies is best illustrated by the David R. Hawkins Scale of consciousness:

  1. Enlightenment: 700-1000 hertz
  2. Peace: 600 hertz
  3. Joy: 540 hertz
  4. Love: 500 hertz
  5. Reason: 400 hertz
  6. Acceptance: 350 hertz
  7. Willingness: 310 hertz
  8. Neutrality: 250 hertz
  9. Courage: 200 hertz
  10. Pride: 175 hertz
  11. Anger: 150 hertz
  12. Desire: 125 hertz
  13. Fear: 100 hertz
  14. Grief: 75 hertz
  15. Apathy: 50 hertz
  16. Guilt: 30 hertz

To achieve heart-brain coherence, you should constantly be striving to live each moment with reason (purpose), love, joy, and peace...emotions that have the highest frequencies i.e. between 400 and 700 hertz. As you stumble towards enlightentment, you start to operate from a space of higher consciousness simply by choosing a positive emotion over a negative one.

From this space of higher consciousness, you’re able to ignite your super-abilities to access intuition on demand; reprogramme your subconscious mind; exponentially increase your ability to learn, remember, and process information; and heal your body naturally. You’re programming your mind and your body to naturally attract abundance.

What this means for you as an entrepreneur:

If you’re allowing shame, guilt, grief, fear, desire, anger, or pride drive your business, does it make sense that you could be blocking your abundance? By vibrating at these lower-level frequencies, you’re simply attracting more of the same and adding to your frustration.

In the upcoming version of The Easy-Going Entrepreneur: Using the Law of Attraction as your marketing strategy,  I’ll show you how you can increase your vibration one step at a time so that your natural inclination becomes courage, neutrality (non-attachment), willingness, acceptance, reason (purpose), and love. 

Additional reading:

  1. You can access the link to the 2015 version of The Easy-Going Entrepreneur from the Your Marketing Mentor library:

  2. If you’d like to learn more about Dr J. Andrew Amour’s research on heart-brain coherence, see Greg Braden’s documentary here:

    David R. Hawkins has a number of books, YouTube interviews and articles on the Map of Consciousness based on his earlier work, Power vs Force:

    For more about frequencies and Wealth Dynamics, check out my take on why everything is energy and energy is everything:

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