The New Year is a time when we tend to focus on self-improvement and goal setting. We're thinking of ways to improve and grow and better ourselves. By adding career goals as part of that focus, you can start the next year off on the right foot both personally and professionally.

These four strategies will help you get a jump start on boosting your career in the new year.

-Network more often-

By attending networking events, you’ll start to expand your network beyond your current work circle. Build your network now for the future. Networking isn’t just for job searching. You can find a mentor, become a mentor, learn a new skill, or simply have a conversation by networking. By continuously growing your network, you’ll be able to tap into it whenever you need to.

-Create a challenge calendar-

Challenge yourself to do one new thing each month. This can be learning a new skill, taking on a project at work, sending an email to a mentor, or anything that makes you step outside your comfort zone. The only requirement is that it's something that will help you grow and develop professionally.

-Reflect on the previous year-

Take note of both the progress you’ve made and the places you fell short. You have to examine both the good and the bad things that happened throughout the year to see the full picture. This reflection will help you decide on goals for the upcoming year. Look to the past for guidance on what you enjoyed and what you disliked. Identify the areas in which you’re strongest and those that align with your future goals.


Allow yourself to have some downtime. Relaxation comes in many forms. It can be laying on your couch watching Netflix, taking a hike or nature walk, making a home-cooked meal, or simply spending time with your family. The only wrong way to relax is by taking your work along with you. By relaxing, you’ll start to clear your mind and de-stress. Allow yourself the time to relax and decompress, and you’ll reap the benefits in many ways.

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