Snoring is a serious issue, though most of the snorers don’t take it seriously. Nearly 45% of the world’s adult population snores, if not regularly, occasionally. A person who snores loudly often becomes the center of jokes at family gatherings. It can ruin a good night’s sleep of the person who sleeps beside the snorer and can even lead to trouble among couples. It is a big issue that needs to be controlled. Here are some ways, which are useful in stopping snoring.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Those sleeping flat on their back snore more. It happens because the tongue relaxes in this position and collapses to the back of the throat, thus obstructing the air path. If you change your sleeping position to the side, this problem can be resolved.

Maintain Ideal Weight

If you are generally overweight or have gained some extra weight around the neck, then you might start snoring. The excess weight around your throat tends to squeeze its internal diameter, which increases the likelihood of it collapsing during sleep. It triggers snoring. Losing weight will help resolve the issue, though maintaining an ideal weight is anyway good for your health.

Use Snore Sprays

The nasal passage should be clear for a slow and steady flow of air. If you are having congestion and the passage is blocked with mucus, it can lead to snoring as the wind tries to gush in the narrow area causing unwanted sound. Use nasal snore sprays to keep the nasal passage clean and clear so that air passes smoothly.

Use Anti-Snore Devices

You might not be aware of the fact that 75% of those who snore have obstructive sleep apnea. It means that breath gets disrupted for short periods while sleeping. It is dangerous as it increases the risk of developing heart problems. Thus, if snoring is a regular phenomenon for you and it is lifestyle-related, then consider trying anti-snore devices.

For instance, using CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) devices helps in maintaining continuous pressurized airflow preventing the airway from collapsing and causing snoring. There is another device called the night shift device, which helps in staying off the back while sleeping. It is also helpful in recording other valuable data like the frequency of loud snoring, quality of sleep etc.

Do Breathing Exercises

Strengthening the muscles in the upper respiratory tract helps in controlling snoring. With age, muscles tend to lose their tone and start getting weaker. Practicing breathing exercises helps in toning and strengthening these muscles, thus helping in controlling snoring.

Keep the Air Moist

If the air in the room in which you are sleeping is dry, it irritates the nasal and throat membranes. They can get swollen, leading to obstruction in airflow. Keeping the air of your bedroom moist can help in resolving the snoring problem.

Snoring should not be taken lightly if it’s a regular phenomenon. Try to figure out the cause of your snoring and take appropriate remedial action.

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