You can expect the average lifespan of an Air cooler is between 15 and 20 years, but a good preventive maintenance routine can make your air cooler work better longer.

Main elements of air cooler maintenance:

  •  - Change the filter regularly (every 1-3 months).
  •  - Obtaining CA adjustments / seasonal service.
  •  - the residues and clean the housing of the outdoor unit.
  •  - Check and replace the refrigerant insulation as necessary.

 -The amount of these elements you perform and the frequency with which you perform them impact the life of the air cooler.

Factors to consider when replacing your air cooler:

SEER rating: 

Factor in air cooler life expectancy is the SEER rating of your unit. SEER stands for the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Index, and is a number used to measure the amount of cooling that an HVAC system can turn off for every 1 unit of energy it consumes. In the past, the minimum efficiency requirements were 10 Seasonal Energy Efficiency Index. Today, HVAC systems are designed to operate at least 13 SEERs, or to be 30 percent more efficient. Older systems can even have a SEER rating of only 6, without taking into account the drop in the efficiency of air conditioning systems over time.

Overall efficiency: 

Another factor you can verify is the annual fuel efficiency rating (AFUE) of your air cooler. The current national regulations require an AFUE of 80%, so if yours only has an AFUE rating of 60 to 70 percent, then your system is outdated and may be at the end of its useful life.

Knowing the typical lifespan of the air cooler in such a hot and humid climate can help you plan for your future possible replacement.

3 factors impacting the average life span of an air cooler are as follows:

1. Energy use: 

When you realize that your electricity bills increase for no discernible reason during the summer, it can be a sign that your cooling system is nearing the end of its life. As these systems wear out, they use more power. Cleaning and professional adjustment of the system can help you reduce your energy consumption, but if you do not notice a difference in consumption after the set-up, the air cooler may not work.

2. Age: 

The average life of an best air cooler in good condition is approximately 15 years, but as these systems reach the 10-year mark, they may begin to lose efficiency. Cooling technology has improved substantially in recent years, so it often makes more sense for owners to replace an old system instead of repairing it. Although the replacement is an investment, it will pay itself on lower electricity bills.

3. Humidity: 

A system that leaves behind more moisture may indicate that the unit is reaching the end of its useful life. If you’re cooling system has always operated in short cycles, it is likely to be too large for your home, another sign that its life will be shorter. A system that is too large cools your home too quickly, leaving less time during the run cycle to remove moisture. This not only makes it less comfortable, but also hinders the pieces. They use the most energy when they start, which creates wear on the parts.

Typically, a large system requires more repairs and a faster replacement. Before they are replaced, you must insist on a load calculation for your home that gives you the exact size that the new system must have.

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