Everywhere You Look People are talking about it, writing about it and promoting about how to become enlightened - Enlightenment! Not to be left out, I must put my tuppence in! So what does it mean to become enlightened?

What Exactly Is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is about seeing through the illusions of life and knowing what reality-really is, to have a greater understanding of life! Whatever you think of spirit or soul stuff, that is what you are, this is how you arrived here, and it is how you will leave.

We do not cease to become the spirit or the soul, we just inhabit a body and we forget our way, we get wrapped in illusion. When you were a child you were open-minded you would accept anything your elders told you, if they told you that you were a beautiful spirit that was visiting earth to learn and experience, you would have believed it and your life would be different.

Eastern cultures never lost it, think about that for a while, their knowledge and wisdom is amazing, they never let it go. We have a right to that too, we just have to retrain our minds and get out of the illusion!

You Know Deep Down!

You see the thing is, we are all so bogged down with life that we miss the real stuff, we see Enlightenment as unnecessary or an interest that we simply don't have time for, something we will get around to one day! We are so busy trying to get our lives right. But you know deep down that there is untapped knowledge within you, you know that you have power that you do not use! Don't you?

Our physical and spiritual lives are NOT separate! When we become Enlightened everything that we could possibly want we can have, it is as simple as breathing to create the life you want. No need for fight and struggle to get there, really this is the truth.

You can have everything you want, because you'll know the truth about what everything is, and what it really does mean to have something. We should concentrate on this first before trying to get our earthly life right.

It's all about letting go and becoming detached, then we can let our life unfold in the most beautiful way. When we are attached to something, we are in a state of want and need, that is why we don't get it, when we become detached our desires appear. You see, attachment means that we see our desire in a particular way, when you are detached we simply allow it to take natural form.

When we become enlightened we live in bliss, we learn that we already have all that we need, and we can create all that we want! Life continually unfolds with beauty, no fear no anxiety just peace and acceptance. To be unattached is to be free.

The reason there is so much talk about becoming enlightened is because there has never been a more appropriate time than now, our world is in turmoil, we have become lost, but on that note, we are also given the opportunity to grow beyond our wildest dreams! We need to re-find our true inner self to be at peace and allow our lives to be natural!.

The secret of enlightenment is to love yourself and love your life, I know we all thought this was fluff for so long, but it is our answer, it is the most natural way in the world for us! My Success to you, to all you deserve and desire!

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