I really need to promote the power of reviews once again!

I got this the other day:

"History is littered with people who talk - and that's important. History is MADE by those who act. Tina is a GIVER... she has added value to my life from our very first engagement because of her generosity of spirit. Generosity of spirit matched by significant levels of wisdom are a phenomenal combination, therefore I declare Tina to be "Phenomenal." Connect and be blessed."

And you know what?

I have been riding on that "cloud of positive energy" ever since - and probably will for a long time ahead!!!

It gives me energy to keep sharing, and caring, for my network - as it assures me that my work really is of value.


So remember:

just a few lines - can go a long way   

WHO will you recognize for their work / help today??

Networking is not only connecting - it needs nutrition to grow into a strong and trusted relationship!! 

PS: - just as a few activities and pennies, goes a long way in The World Game !!!

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