I totally identify with this re-evaluation of who I would like to emulate and with whom I identify. Of course, I admire Elon Musk and Richard Branson et al., but I have been re-thinking my entire approach here. To be honest, I do not want to set out with the initial vision of creating a global enterprise with offices in 50 countries. The distant remnants of my old school corporate type education and thinking want me to do the organigram of what the business must look like and then I will proceed by filling that organigram. 

What do I want to do?

 I have always been a person who figures out the system and then makes it work better and achieves better results. (Tempo-ey Steely kind of thing) Quite often, this approach met with resistance in the corporate, "this is how we do it" approach.  I often ended up working fewer hours because I was super efficient and effective. You can imagine the boss's speeches. "I was always the first man in the morning and the last man out in the evening. Is there a problem? "  My reply? "watch the scoreboard." That ended the conversation. 

I have been reconsidering whom it was that I was admiring and it was people like Carl Jung, James Allen, Charles Haanel,  Florence Scovel Shinn, Ernest Holmes, Buckminster Fuller, and later, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Carl Sagan, Martin Seligman and many others.


I realised that they were all thought leaders figuring out life and how to make it work better. They all contribute in their way to my non-traditional education, filling in the gaps in my understanding and giving me more and deeper insight into this thing called life and how I can assist many in making theirs work at a higher level. 

I do have the vision of igniting a billion people with a higher energy, but what the organisation will look like, I don't know. I can imagine how this would bring about a different world though and with that vision seared into my mind, I woke up this morning. So let's get going here, old boy. See you up there where the air is thin, but the view is spectacular.   

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