“When you bow deeply to the universe, the universe bows back.” ~ Morihei Ueshiba

Have you found your ikigai? Ikigai is the Japanese concept of “a reason for being.”

Everyone has an ikigai, but yours is personal to you. You ikigai is the intersection of your passions (what you love), your talents (what you are good at), your purpose (what the world needs) and your enterprise (what you can be paid for).

If you haven’t found it yet, don’t stop searching. Because once you find it, the universe bends towards you. When you find it, you find your flow.

Here’s a simple exercise you can do right now. Score each of these four questions from 0-10 - from 0 being not at all, and 10 being 100%:

1) Every day I am doing what I love to do 2) Every day I only do what I am good at 3) Every day I am doing what the world needs 4) Every day I am getting paid well for what I do

Got your score? Add them up (and post the total in the comments if you like!) Now score yourself for where you were at the end of 2015. How much progress have you made? And now set your target score for the end of 2017.

If you like having measures to keep track of your progress, how close you are to your ikigai is the most important measure of all.

“It is never too late to be who you might have been.” ~ George Elliot

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